Their debut album Speak & Spell has a happy, light sound, but after Vince Clarke’s sudden departure Martin Gore took over as the primary songwriter. With Depeche Mode, Gahan became the tip of a genre that has existed with its growth to this day.Depeche Mode were one of the British bands that emerged in the 1981-82 synth-pop explosion, initially gaining popularity as a Vince Clarke-led group. After an overdose, Gahan was already clinically dead for two minutes. Meanwhile, he had to survive alcohol and drug exceeds.

The Englishman was part of the founding of the Synth Pop Group in 1980 and is still a part of it today. With Depeche Mode, Gahan became the spearhead of a genre that has endured with its sub-genres to this day.ĭEPECHE FASHION FRONTMAN DAVE GAHAN TURNS 60Īfter today's congratulations to artists who left their tracks in the 60s and early 70s, we now let's live a "youth pound" up: Depeche fashion singer Dave Gahan turns 9. After an overdose, Gahan was clinically dead for two minutes. In the meantime he had to survive alcohol and drug excesses. The Englishman was part of the founding line-up of the Synth-Pop group in 1980 and is still with them today. The group later gained fame as the inspiration for Deep Purple's "Child In Time." See moreĭEPECHE MODE FRONTMAN DAVE GAHAN TURNS 60Īfter today's congratulations for artists who left their mark in the 60s and early 70s, we're now celebrating a "youngster": Depeche Mode singer Dave Gahan turns 60 on May 9. It's A Beautiful Day was never more than an insider's tip, despite an extraordinary style. She was part of the founding lineup of the California Progressive Folk-Rock band It's A Beautiful Day, where she played keyboards. In 1962 he had a world hit with "Sheila" (USA #1, UK #3, D #9), toured with the Beatles and Roy Orbison, landed an even bigger smash hit in 1969 with "Dizzy" (UK and USA #1, D #4).Īlso turning 80 is Linda LaFlamme (also known as Dominique Dellacroix). His most famous compositions are "I Fought The Law" and "More Than I Can Say" (Leo Sayer). Cale and others, he played guitar with the Crickets and released solo records in the sixties and eighties. Songs written by him were sung by Buddy Holly, Everly Brothers, Glen Campbell, J.J. His 85th birthday can be celebrated on May 9 Sonny Curtis. Die Gruppe erlangte später als Inspirationsquelle für Deep Purples "Child In Time" Berühmtheit. It's A Beautiful Day war trotz eines außergewöhnlichen Stils nie mehr als ein Geheimtipp. Sie gehörte zur Gründungsformation der kalifornischen Progressive-Folk-Rock-Band It's A Beautiful Day, wo sie Keyboards spielte. 1962 hatte er mit "Sheila" einen Welthit (USA #1, UK #3, D #9), tourte mit den Beatles und Roy Orbison, landete 1969 mit "Dizzy" einen noch größeren Gassenhauer (UK und USA #1, D #4).Įbenfalls 80 wird Linda LaFlamme (auch als Dominique Dellacroix unterwegs). Seine berühmtesten Kompositionen sind "I Fought The Law" und "More Than I Can Say" (Leo Sayer).Ĩ0 Jahre wird am 9. Cale und andere, er spielte bei den Crickets Gitarre und brachte in den Sechzigern und Achtzigern Solo-Platten heraus. Von ihm geschriebene Songs sangen Buddy Holly, Everly Brothers, Glen Campbell, J.J. TOMMY ROE, SONNY CURTIS & LINDA LAFLAMME HABEN GEBURTSTAG (CELEBRATE. With Depeche Mode, Gahan became the spearhead of a genre that has endured with its sub-genres to this day.

Mit Depeche Mode wurde Gahan zur Speerspitze eines Genres, das mit seinen Auswüchsen bis heute Bestand hat.Īfter today's congratulations for artists who left their mark in the 60s and early 70s, we're now celebrating a "youngster": Depeche Mode singer Dave Gahan turns 60 on May 9. Nach einer Überdosis war Gahan auch schonmal für zwei Minuten klinisch tot. Zwischenzeitlich hatte er Alkohol-und Drogenexzesse zu überstehen. Der Engländer gehörte 1980 zur Gründungsbesetzung der Synthie-Pop-Gruppe und ist heute noch mit dabei. Nach den heutigen Gratulationen für Künstler, die in den 60s und frühen 70s ihre Spuren hinterließen, lassen wir jetzt einen „Jungspund“ hochleben: Depeche-Mode-Sänger Dave Gahan wird am 9. DEPECHE-MODE-FRONTMANN DAVE GAHAN WIRD 60ĭEPECHE MODE FRONTMAN DAVE.